Bruce A Bastien

"A Unique Look at War: An Incredible Account of a Soldier's Tour in Vietnam" 

I really enjoyed reading this soldiers tour of duty in Vietnam, he has written this account without going into graphic detail about how soldiers died. It’s an informative account of one soldiers 13 months in Vietnam, a good read for any military enthusiast interested in the Vietnam war.
Certainly written in such a way as to make the reader feel part of the author's experience. More a collection of memoirs than a single account.

An Eye-Opening Experience: Reflecting on My Boyfriend's Vietnam War Service 

I enjoyed reading this book I had a boyfriend in 1969 that went in the Marines & to Vietnam. I am surprised to learn how the Vietnam war really was. This book was so interesting I did not want to put it down. Thank you for writing how it really was. I recommend this book to anyone wanting to know life was during the war.

"A Compelling Read: The Author Immortalizes His Experiences in this Book"

I really enjoyed the book and I highly recommend it. The author has written a compelling book in which he has immortalized his experiences, his unit, his combat operations, and more important, his fellow marines. Many marines were killed in combat and others were wounded, and he survived it all. He saw it all and yet, came home to contribute to his community.

A Soldier's Story: A Personal Account of the Vietnam War

The author clearly and simply writes about his personal experiences in Vietnam. These include the expected; his friends’ wounds, severed limbs, deaths. But they also refreshingly include everyday experiences that I never associated with NAM before I read this book. And the final chapter, which he cleverly titled “AFTERMATH”, ties it all together nicely, and shows that the men who were there can have very different views of the experience when looking back to that time.
Awesome descriptions of the day-to-day life in the bush ... some funny, some gruesome, but all real accounts of what actually happened.
I really like the way this book was written, how he had to think back and how others shared their memories to complete the story. Very detailed stories
Very engaging recollections from a grunt who was there. I really liked that he didn't spend a lot of time on his pre Marine Corps life or on his recruit training or ITR experience. Very good read.

Get Ready to Feel Every Emotion - 13 Months 

I just finished reading “13 Months”. It was entertaining, engaging, and enlightening and I felt true emotions in every chapter. You don’t get a sense of the realness of a time/situation in history books like you do with a first-hand account.
Those of us who were old enough to remember the war in Vietnam either served in the military or protested against the war; but in either case, Bruce Bastien gives the reader an extremely realistic, compelling description. of the violence, the boredom, the camaraderie, and the frustrations that a marine "grunt" experienced during his 13-month tour of duty. Bruce faced the question of life or death on almost a daily basis. and yet, he approached this as having a "job to do," and he did it as well as anyone could in his shoes. This book is must reading for those who went and those who did not. This was a war we should never forget.

The Power of Memory: A Memoir After 50 Years 

This book felt true. Many of the author’s memories seemed so clear after 50 years. He was honest when he couldn’t remember the details. He took photos while in Viet Nam and included them to punctuate his chapters. They’re striking in that they make clear how young everyone was. Very young. I appreciated this quote “Not everyone who lost his life in Viet Nam died there. Not everyone who came home from Viet Nam ever left there”. Thanks Bruce.

Tales from the Grunt’s Life – Humility, Grace and Even Some Humor!

A nice read, the stories of the grunt’s life. Told with humility, humor, and even some grace. Definitely NOT last in line!
I enjoy reading this story about serving in the military during the Vietnam war as a Marine. It is full of great photos taken by the author. The thoughts of the author about his and our country's involvement in the Vietnam War is very truthful and insightful.

Re-experience Your Past

Written in language that flows easily. Brings insight to those that did not participate. Reflects one's actual memories except when time removed those memories. The conclusion is intelligent and philosophical. It is well thought out and honest. It is real!
It was a very interesting and well written book. I would recommend this book for any Vietnam Veteran or anyone who likes war books.

Uncovering the Mystery of Vietnam

As several books that I have read on Vietnam, I was one that did not have to go and always wondered if I missed something. I know now after reading these books that I am one of the lucky ones that did not have to face the life and death as these gentlemen did which many of their friends did not survive and have their name on The Wall. A terrible price, we owe a debt to all veterans.
This is an incredible story of duty and honor. Serving your country and coming home alive! As I read through this account, I remember the stories of protests and humiliation the soldiers received coming back to their country. IF YOU PROTESTED THE WAR, read this book. I hope you feel guilty!!!

A Veteran's Perspective on the Tet Offensive - An Unforgettable Year in Vietnam 

The year of the Tet offensive - what a time to be a grunt in Vietnam. Bruce's writing style and honest, first-person narrative makes this a great read.
I guess I waited for someone from the old unit to write the book. Semper Fi Bruce. In the chapter on Operation Allen Brook, I was the guy walking point for 2nd squad. John Harmon and myself were the two guys that found all of the buried NVA equipment. 
By his own admission, "Basteen" was a young man without much direction in his life when he entered the Marines. But early on in his service he began to show a reflective side, struggling to fit his idealism with the utter randomness of death in Vietnam. He survived and then began a multi-disciplined pattern of giving back, of being useful . He was able to take his experience and wreak meaning from it.


Well written recollection of an 0311 of his 13 months in a truly stupid decision to waste the lives of hundreds of thousands of young men and allow 58,000 to be killed. I did my time as a Navy Doctor in a field hospital 4 miles south of the DMZ in Dong Ha and saw daily the devastating wounds and watched Marines die in spite of our best efforts. This author has seen and lived in a hell you will never comprehend unless you have been there to see them come back with the “thousand-yard stare”!!

A Veteran's Perspective on the Tet Offensive - An Unforgettable Year in Vietnam 

The year of the Tet offensive - what a time to be a grunt in Vietnam. Bruce's writing style and honest, first-person narrative makes this a great read.
I guess I waited for someone from the old unit to write the book. Semper Fi Bruce. In the chapter on Operation Allen Brook, I was the guy walking point for 2nd squad. John Harmon and myself were the two guys that found all of the buried NVA equipment. 
By his own admission, "Basteen" was a young man without much direction in his life when he entered the Marines. But early on in his service he began to show a reflective side, struggling to fit his idealism with the utter randomness of death in Vietnam. He survived and then began a multi-disciplined pattern of giving back, of being useful . He was able to take his experience and wreak meaning from it.


Well written recollection of an 0311 of his 13 months in a truly stupid decision to waste the lives of hundreds of thousands of young men and allow 58,000 to be killed. I did my time as a Navy Doctor in a field hospital 4 miles south of the DMZ in Dong Ha and saw daily the devastating wounds and watched Marines die in spite of our best efforts. This author has seen and lived in a hell you will never comprehend unless you have been there to see them come back with the “thousand-yard stare”!!

"A Glimpse Into Vietnam's Jungles: An Intimate Look at War Through a Young Soldier's Eyes" 

This book took you to the jungles of Vietnam through the experiences of a young soldier. What made it very unique was the authors actual photos of the people and places he encountered while in Vietnam
Outstanding narrative of Bastien's experience in Viet Nam. The finest book on this topic that I have read. Thank you for sharing and especially your final comments. God bless you and Semper Fi.
Straightforward, well written memoir from an 'average' grunt in the ground for his 13 month tour. Written with humility, humour and sharp observation interspersed with occasional memoirs from other vets - including probably one of the most visceral first-person accounts of someone who experienced being on the wrong end of a booby-trap and some excellent colour photos. Good account worth the read of anyone interested in Vietnam War autobiographies.
A very honest and revealing look at life in a USMC infantry unit. No BS just great telling of the long dangerous dirty and terrifying hours/days/weeks in the jungle. The author focuses on his experience and feelings and little on the NCOs or officers. No grand strategy here just one foot in front of the other. I can’t imagine how difficult it was just to survive this experience. Great pictures really add to the story. Sad to see the young men so full of life only to learn that some of them would meet their death shortly afterwards
I've read a lot of Vietnam war books written by the veterans about their experiences. This one seems different. This author is very intelligent and educated. His writing style must be what makes this one hard to put down. You really do feel as if you are right beside him as he winds his way through 13 months of incredible hardships in a war that seemed horrible then and even more so in hindsight. American young men trying to serve their country as their fathers had in WW2. Very sad. They all have my lasting respect and thanks.

"A Must-Read: Thirteen Months - It'll Make You Laugh & Cry!" 

I just finished “Thirteen Months.” Excellent book.  I cried and laughed (I mean really belly laughed) throughout the reading. My wife wants me to read it to her so I’ll probably read it again. I really appreciate your insight and the introspective manner in which you wrote it. Your presentation of the everyday, mundane things really brought back vivid memories from days long gone by. The incidents you used from the website are some of the most remarkably realistic combat accounts that I have ever read, particularly Rick Maddy’s

"A Captivating Vietnam Tale: 13 MONTHS"

I just finished your book 13 MONTHS and I wanted to say how much I enjoyed it. I’ve read many books about Vietnam, both first person and more objective reportorial accounts, but I have to say I think yours is the best. You have a very naturalistic writing voice that gives the book a feeling of “you are there” realism. You did an excellent job of imparting the totality of what you did and what was done to you during that year. It was immersive and when I finished reading I felt I understood much better the complex/mixed feelings you had regarding the experience and whether the war was justified or not. Great job Bruce, you really nailed it, you’re a real writer and the book is first rate. Congratulations.

Revisiting Vietnam Through a Story - 4 Years Later!

The book was fantastic. It bought back so many memories. I returned to Vietnam FOUR years ago and it's exactly as the author thought it would be. It's built up with paved roads, not at all like it was in 67 68. I did get a chance to visit An HOA on my return trip and I couldn't recognize anything. In fact, I was standing on the airstrip and didn't know it until a former marine helicopter pilot rode up on a motorcycle and told me I was standing on the airstrip. This was one of the best books I've read about Vietnam. Everything I read was a hundred percent accurate.

Book Reviews

Honoring a Brother-in-Arms: Bruce Bastien's 13 Months in Vietnam

Bruce Bastien’s 13 Months in Vietnam overlapped my tour in 1968 when we served together in the 3rd Battalion 5th Marines. This period marked the highest casualty rates of the war, and he lays out perfectly
the incongruous mix of hard duty, boredom, humor, characters, comradery, fear, danger, and lethal
fighting that marked our time there. Bruce was a fine Marine, but it’s clear he’s also an exceptional
writer. - Frederick W. Smith, Chairman; CEO FedEx.

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